Additional JQuery projects


Since its release, JQuery has grown into something more than just a JS library that can be used to perform both simple and complex operations in all browsers.

In addition to the basic JQuery library, two other worthwhile projects have emerged that are worth telling you a little about before concluding this article. We won’t go into the details of the projects’ capabilities, but will just take a quick look at each project to get a sense of what it can offer us.

JQuery UI

From the home page of jQuery UI: “JQuery UI is a ready-made set of interactions, effects, widgets, and themes with an interface based on the latest version of JQuery, the JS library. JQuery UI is great for creating both highly interactive web applications and for simply adding a date selection element.”

The library was released in 2007, a year after JQuery was released. The library is complementary to JQuery and uses its parent’s cross-platform capabilities to create widgets that work on all websites.

Most of the widgets use common functionality. For example:

  • Date selection elements
  • Dialog boxes
  • Progress bars
  • Pop-up tooltips.
  • Autocomplete
  • etc.

There is also advanced functionality such as effects, utilities, and interactions. Our knowledge (as well as what we don’t know) at the moment includes all sorts of callback functions, attributes, and functions that allow us to interact with objects.

All of the above features come in different themes to ensure that the functionality fits your website. In addition, all the functions described in the article on the site are well documented.

JQuery Mobile

From the jQuery Mobile homepage: “JQuery Mobile is an HTML5 user interface system designed to build responsive websites and applications that will be accessible on all smartphones, tablets, and PCs.”

Library has been a new product in the Library line since 2010 (the last stable version was released in 2014).
Like its UI counterpart, it has a well-designed API and custom themes that are ideal for different devices.

The two previous libraries offer us cross-platform features that make it relatively easy to write JQuery and widgets, while jQuery Mobile includes a CSS framework that can also be used to create user interfaces that are ideal for our projects.

The framework includes:

  • CSS classes
  • grid
  • responsive grid
  • themes

The library offers everything you can expect from a project aimed at facilitating web development for various mobile devices. Among its features:

  • A set of icons
  • Events that work on all devices
  • Active page properties
  • Widgets for mobile interfaces

In addition, there are still plenty of browsers on the web that are suitable for this technology. We’ve already seen a decline in the share of old versions of Internet Explorer and a surge in the popularity of Chrome, but there are still users who are stuck with old browsers for one reason or another.